ERP application in business

Đóng góp bởi: AMZ Media 2180 lượt xem Đăng ngày 12/07/2023

Thien Thien Nhan Company successfully deployed and applied the ERP management system according to its own design requirements, in accordance with the characteristics of production and business activities in the field of GFRC with partner FirstEMS Company.

The ERP management model helps us control costs and consumable materials in each production stage, in order to create effective products with high quality, and can trace the production process and materials when need.

ERP-FirstEMS software brings efficiency and convenience to management, provides us with enough information to make decisions, and can run the business anytime, anywhere. Thien Thien Nhan is still signing a cooperation agreement with FistEMS on data management and storage services, timely upgrading and continuously updating and expanding according to the characteristics of operations and business development.

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